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Research Articles
Apr 18 2018
The following research article developed by BioFlora’s team at the Integrated Life Science Research Center describes the clear benefits of rejuvenating your soil after depleting it with fumigation. Please share it with your PCA or call your BioFlora representative to arrange a visit or virtual GoToMeeting with our talented team if there are any further questions.
Research Articles
Mar 6 2018
“What can we use on our lawn that would be safe for the environment, our children, our pet, but will still green-up our lawn?” Find out here!
Research Articles
Nov 22 2016
Proper fertilization of your shade trees is vital for their overall health.
Research Articles
Aug 17 2016
Phytophthora infestans is a highly destructive fungus-like organism known to infect both tomato and potato plants.
Research Articles
Jul 28 2016
Cacti are perennial drought tolerant plants with thick wax-coated stems that are quite resistant to moisture evaporation. The thick waxy layers give cacti their bluish or grayish tinge of color. Cacti, for the most part, are leafless and most have spines which are highly modified leaves.
Research Articles
Jul 18 2016
Most everyone knows best, on how to grow strawberries.  Depending on where that everyone resides, there are absolute rules of engagement for producing sweeter, larger and redder strawberries.  Not wishing to engage in mental fisticuffs with local experts, I will mosey through the mundane aspects of growing and caring for the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside.
Research Articles
Jun 15 2016
Vegetative propagation uses stems and leaves to obtain new plants. There are many reasons for using this technique, one of the being that some plants, such as seedless grapes or bananas, do not produce viable seed, so the only way to produce true-to-type plants is to use this technique.
Research Articles
Apr 27 2016
Soil preparation for annual flowers is important. Take time to properly prepare your soil before you start planting your sunflowers, petunias, geraniums, or impatiens.
Research Articles
Apr 13 2016

One rutabaga, two rutabaga, three rutabaga, four, please tell me I will not have to eat, one rutabaga more!  As a cabbage/turnip cross and being…

Research Articles
Mar 8 2016

Strap on your gardening tool belt, kick off shoes and socks and wriggle your toes in the grass and I do not mean artificial.  Before…