PHOENIX, AZ (April 16, 2018) – Beneficial microorganisms in the soil are essential for sustaining the health of agricultural soil systems. These soil microbes make significant contributions to pathogen suppression, nutrient cycling, plant nutrient uptake, soil structure development and maintenance, and agricultural productivity. When the beneficial microorganisms are depleted or missing from the soil, there is:
Fumigation with methyl bromide (MeBr), chloropicrin (CP), Telone and others is used to control a wide-array of soil borne pathogens and pests. While there is variation in the impact of the fumigant to nontarget microorganisms, all fumigants destroy a portion of the beneficial microbial population.
The recovery time for soil microbial community structure after fumigation extends for many weeks or months (a significant portion of the crop cycle) and some microbial groups never recover to the levels found before fumigation. The soil microbial community biomass is significantly lower in fumigated soils at depths up to 30 cm (12 inches). Additionally, there is strong evidence of less and less microbial recovery the more years the fumigant is used.
The Solution
GO Isolates is an OMRI and CDFA listed product that contains a wide diversity of native beneficial soil microbes in addition to a complex of carbon diversity to support the microbial growth after the microbes are in the soil.
After fumigation, there are many microbial “home sites” in the soil that are empty and need to be filled. This is a chance to repopulate the soil with beneficial microbes. Not doing so results in lower microbe diversity and the potential overgrowth of damaging microbes that survive fumigation.
This is a prime opportunity to supply the soil with beneficial microbes to repopulate the soil. Not doing so results in a lower diversity of microbes and potentially the overgrowth of undesirable microbes that are fumigant survivors. Additionally, these microbes require a carbon source for food.
The GO Isolates product is an ideal source for supplying agricultural soils with both a diverse beneficial microbial population as well as the diverse carbon complexes needed to support them once they are in the soil. The suggested application rate for GO Isolates is 10 gallons/acre applied 3 times after fumigation at 2-4 week intervals.
About Global Organics
Global Organics® Group (GOG) is an international, integrated life sciences company engaged in the development and manufacture of proprietary organic plant nutrition agricultural products and natural ionic minerals for Human and Animal health. For more than 40 years, GOG’s BioFlora® business has been committed to environmental sustainability through its efforts aimed at preserving our ecosystem while providing superior plant nutrient systems. Global Organics® continues to grow with a mission to enhance human and animal life, the vitality of plants and soils, as well as the restoration of the environment through their Mineral BioSciences® (MBS) division.
Located in Goodyear, Arizona, USA, GOG serves customers both locally and globally with the use of Green Acres, our 1,200acre research farm, as well as our USDA Permitted Integrated Life Science Research Center® (ILSRC).
For more information about Global Organics®, or to interview Managing Partner & CEO Luke Blotsky, please call 623-932-1522 or email Sarah Van Wyk at To learn more, visit