BioFlora Your Lawn This Winter

Dec 15, 2017

Most people understand the importance of spring, summer, and fall feedings and watering of their lawns; but, rarely do people understand the importance of preparing their lawn for the long winter slumber – over 4-months of winter where grasses experience severe drought, deep penetrating freezes, and abundant snow cover. Even in warmer climates with warm season grasses, it’s essential to never forget that with all plant life, water and food are essential to their well-being, and their ability to thrive and fight off diseases, weeds, and pests during the winter months. 

At BioFlora we discuss the importance of feeding and watering all plant life before winter sets in, usually between late October and late November while the ground is still soft enough to be receptive to fertilizer and watering. With turf (lawns) we promote a good hand-raking of the lawn after the last leaves have fallen, which serves to pick up not only leaves, but other debris (sticks, acorns, etc.).  Hand-raking is a way to dethatch your lawn, as well. Then, we promote a final cutting of the lawn (short as possible) before aerating it. By cutting the lawn short, we protect any new blade growth from the fall season, prior to winter, and we prevent disease and pests from infiltrating taller grass under the cover of snow. The raking, dethatching and aeration serves to open up airways to the root zones, and will allow fertilizer and water to get down into the ground before deep freeze of winter sets in. The roots of your lawn will then feed and use the moisture throughout the winter months.

Most people don’t know what to use for fertilizer, and how much to water their lawn; but, a good rule of thumb is to give your lawn a really good gentle prolonged soaking prior to the first freeze – far enough ahead of time however, so that you don’t risk freezing your hose and causing a hose bib to burst at the service entry of your home. We also promote the use of a well-rounded and balanced organic fertilizer for many reasons, but mostly because it’s the most natural approach to feeding your lawn and plants during one of nature’s most severe seasonal climate change. We have found the most reliable and balanced organic fertilizer to be none other than BioFlora’s Dry Crumbles, a granular coarse-grade fertilizer (available in 25 lb. bags covering 2500 sq. ft. or 5 lb. bags cover 400 sq.ft.).

Organics, especially Dry Crumbles work particularly well for all plant life, but we’ve seen significantly better results in lawns versus a synthetic fertilizer.  Dry Crumbles has a larger granular or prill resulting in a much slower breakdown of the fertilizer, thus feeding the root zone for a much longer period. A lawn that gets food throughout the winter months results in a much fuller, vibrant lawn in the spring.  Moreover, because of the humic acid inherent to Dry Crumbles, it buffers salt, which is commonly used to de-ice sidewalks, driveways, and streets. Salt naturally burns lawns and plants, with Dry Crumbles, the salts can be buffered away from the root zone – ensuring healthy, hardy and deep penetrating roots into your soil.

Because the Dry Crumbles are made of purely organic matter it is teeming with microbial bacteria life – huge microbial communities thriving within the organic matter – which helps to fight off disease and to deliver nutrients into the root zone. The microbial bacteria in Dry Crumbles tend to use any pathogens anything that can produce disease as a food source, thus reducing the direct threat of diseases that can thrive under the cover of snow.

Winter is a time to kick up your feet and take time off from the yard work, but this winter make sure that after you park the mower, and hang up the string trimmer that your last duty and responsibility to maintaining a healthy lawn is to water and feed your lawn and plants with BioFlora Dry Crumbles.

 About BioFlora

BioFlora is a division of Global Organics® Group (GOG), an international life sciences company that develops and manufactures proprietary organic and sustainable plant nutrition products and natural ionic minerals for human and animal health. For more than 40 years GOG and its BioFlora® business have been committed to preserving the earth’s ecosystem while providing superior plant nutrient systems.

Located in Goodyear, Arizona, USA, GOG is able to serve customers both locally and globally with the use of Green Acres, our 1,200-acre research farm, as well as our USDA Permitted Integrated Life Science Research Center® (ILSRC).

About the Author

Mark Lundahl is GM in a Landscape and Design Building firm, with two garden centers, and a production nursery. Mark has extensive experience with the application methods and rates in using BioFlora products, and has been using the BioFlora product line in Meyer Landscape Design for the past 4 years. With these products, Mark has seen dramatic changes in nursery stock quality, and would like for gardeners at all levels to experience the BioFlora difference.

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Dry Crumbles 6-10-1+10% Ca

With its blend of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and calcium Dry Crumbles gives plants and lawns a quick (and immediately noticeable) boost, while nourishing the soil long term. Its formulation includes seaweed and humic acid, which improve the effectiveness of its mineral ingredients and limit the amount gardeners need to use to gain excellent results with their vegetables, fruits and flowers.